Depth Of Field: What Is It In Cameras?

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Depth of field (DOF) is a photographic technique that can help you produce images with some spectacular visual effects. Its main purpose is to keep the focal point in sharp focus while the background elements appear softer and blurrier.

It is an important concept to understand if you are looking to take professional-looking photographs.

In this article, we will be looking at what DOF is, how it works, and why it’s important.

What is depth of field

What is Depth of Field?

Depth of field, or DOF, refers to the range of acceptable sharpness within an image. This can be used to determine how much of a scene is in focus at any given time and allows photographers to create interesting and effective compositions. Generally speaking, it is the area in which objects appear acceptably sharp, with everything outside of this area appearing blurrier as the distance from the point of focus increases.

As a technical term, depth of field describes the distance between the near and far points where any part of an image can still appear acceptably sharp. Take for example an object that is 10 feet away from you: if your depth of field was 10 feet then everything within 10 feet would be in focus; if your depth of field was 5 feet only anything between 5-10 feet would be in focus; and if your depth of field was 1 foot, then anything within that 1 foot would remain acceptably sharp while everything else would be blurry or out-of-focus.


There are several factors that affect depth of field such as:

  • Aperture size (also known as f-stop)
  • Focal length (focal length typically has an inverse relationship with DOF)
  • Distance to subject (the closer you get to something the shallower your DOF will become).

It’s important to become familiar with how each factor affects DOF so that you can use them effectively when capturing images.

How Does Depth of Field Work?

Depth of field (DOF) is a technique used in photography to control the range of focus, or which parts of the image appear in focus and which do not. It works by making use of the camera’s aperture to determine the amount of light that will be allowed through the lens and onto the image sensor.

The most important parameter influencing depth of field is focal length. As this increases, DOF decreases for any given aperture – a longer focal length will make even small apertures produce shallower depth of field than short focal lengths; this effect becomes more pronounced as magnifying power rises.

Depth of field can also be affected by other factors, including:

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  • Distance between subject and background
  • Distance between subject and lens
  • Lens type
  • Using an external flash

Each has an effect on how much range will fall into sharp focus at any given aperture setting.

In order to render a sharp photograph, it is important to consider these elements when making composition decisions and setting camera settings – but ultimately it is up to you whether you want objects close in proximity or far apart rendered with different levels of sharpness within one frame!

Types of Depth of Field

Depth of Field (DOF) refers to the distance between the nearest and farthest points in an image that appear to be in focus. It is a very important factor that all photographers should understand when taking photographs, as it helps to create a more professional looking image.

There are two main types of Depth of Field: Shallow and Deep. In this article, we will explore the differences between the two and discuss when you might use one over the other.

Shallow Depth of Field

Shallow depth of field, also known as ‘selective focus’ or short depth of field, is an effect that occurs when a photographer wants the background to be out of focus and the subject in sharp focus. This is achieved by setting the aperture or lens opening to its widest setting (lowest f-stop) which results in a blurring effect. A shallow depth of field also helps to isolate a subject from its surroundings and draw attention to it.

Shallow depth of field can be used in any situation – wide open terrain or tight city streets. This type of photography is particularly useful for portraiture, as it gives a dramatic and attractive feel around the subject. It can be used for landscapes, architecture and product photography too.

When creating shallow depth of field photos there are some things that must be taken into account:

  • Distance from your subject
  • Angle relative to your subject
  • Lens focal length
  • Aperture setting
  • Lighting all affect how much detail is captured in the image.

To get sharp subjects with blurred backgrounds requires experimentation with different techniques such as using wide angle lenses for larger areas or longer lenses for tighter spaces. Additionally focusing at different distances from your subject will give slightly different results so practice focusing points between one metre and infinity until you get desired results.

Deep Depth of Field

Deep depth of field occurs when everything in the frame is in focus from the foreground to the background. This effect is typically achieved by using a small aperture, or f-stop, on your camera to narrow the area that is not in focus. While using a smaller aperture will limit your available light, it can be essential for landscape shots or documentary photography where you want more of your frame in focus.

It works well when you have an object that moves closer or further away and you still want every element of your shot in focus even as they travel through space. Deep depth of field can be used to freeze an action such as someone running or a bird flying while keeping everything else properly in focus. Depending on environmental factors, achieving a deep depth of field may require closing the lens down to f/16 and possibly f/22 – so it pays to know your camera settings and use them wisely!

Factors that Affect Depth of Field

Depth of field is a concept related to capturing images with cameras, and it’s affected by various factors. These factors include the type of lens you’re using, the f-stop of the lens, the focal length, and the distance of the subject from the camera’s sensor. All of these elements play a role in determining the depth of field in an image, and understanding them is essential for creating compelling shots.

Let’s look at each of them in more detail:

  • Type of lens you’re using
  • F-stop of the lens
  • Focal length
  • Distance of the subject from the camera’s sensor


The size of the aperture you choose will have the greatest impact on your depth of field. Aperture is a measure of how wide open the lens is, and it’s what lets light into camera. A large aperture provides a shallow depth of field so only your subject is in focus, while a smaller aperture creates a deeper field so you can capture more in focus elements of your scene. By adjusting the size of your aperture – also referred to as its f-stop – you can shift which elements stay in sharp focus and which fall out of focus. Larger f-stop numbers represent smaller apertures while smaller f-stop numbers represent larger apertures.

Additionally, some lenses are designed to give different depths of field at different focal lengths such as portrait lenses with longer focal lengths giving a shallower depth of field than wide angle lenses. This means that when using portrait lenses, you may be able to keep several objects in focus even with wider open apertures or achieve an even more shallow depth with similar landscapes lenses when using small or medium sized aperture openings. With the use of tilt-shift lenses that add extra features ideal for getting control over deep perspective adjustments, this concept becomes even more important.

Focal Length

Focal length is one of the key factors that affects depth of field in photography. Focal length is the angle of view or zoom range of a lens, typically expressed in millimeters. A 50mm lens is considered a standard lens, and a wide-angle lens has a focal length less than 35mm. A telephoto lens has focal lengths greater than 85mm.

The longer the focal length, the narrower the angle of view will be – and the shallower the depth of field will be. This effect can be useful when trying to achieve separation from the background for single subject shots – portraits, for instance. Conversely, wide angle lenses tend to have much deeper depths of field because you are fitting more into your shot and thus you require more area in focus.

The shorter your focal length, the slower your shutter speed needs to be which can create problems with camera shake and blur issues in low light situations if your shutter speed isn’t fast enough to freeze any motion happening within your scene like wind blowing trees or kids running around.

Subject Distance

Subject distance is the most important factor when it comes to controlling the depth of field in your images. When you move the camera closer or farther away from your subject, even a slight movement can have an effect on the overall sharpness of an image.

Generally speaking, if you move your camera closer to a subject, it will increase depth of field and make your image appear sharp and crisp. Conversely, moving your camera farther away from a subject will decrease depth of field and make the elements in front and behind that primary element appear out of focus.

Using Depth of Field Creatively

Depth of Field (DOF) is a creative tool in photography that can help you control the range of sharpness in an image. It’s one of the best ways to draw attention to certain elements of your composition.

In this section, we’ll look at how you can use DOF to take more interesting photos, from portraits to landscapes.

Creating a Blurred Background

Depth of field is a photography technique that helps to bring focus to your primary subject while blurring the background, creating beautiful images full of life and movement. This method achieved its support by using the camera’s aperture to control how much light enters the sensor, in turn controlling how wide or narrow the range of focus is in the image.

Using these settings, you can create a soft background with beautiful bokeh that nicely compliments your main subjects. When taking photos with a blurred background, typically professionals will set their cameras to use aperture priority mode with a wide open aperture such as f/1.4 or f/2.8. With this setting, everything behind and in front of your primary subject is outside of the depth-of-field plane and will be out-of-focus or blurry when depicted in an image.

Having the right settings for depth of field can also add creative elements such as lens flares and other artistic effects which can make for stunning pieces of photography art.

By setting your camera lenses to create shallow depths of fields when shooting images you can now separate elements of your photos while letting viewers know what you want them to notice most—the subject at hand! As photographers continue mastering their craft and using these settings more frequently over time, they’ll be sure to come up with new ways to capably blur backgrounds as well as unleash creativity into each shot!

Isolating the Subject

Depth of field is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph. When you use depth of field creatively, you can isolate a subject from its surroundings. The two main components are aperture and focal length.

A longer focal length makes for a shallow depth of field and does not give much scope for isolating the subject from its surroundings. A wide-angle lens, on the other hand, has greater depth of field allowing plenty of scope to separate the subject from its background and other intervening objects in focus.

A large aperture setting (generally f/1.8 or f/2) will help to achieve this effect that isolates your subject from its background by making it much sharper than everything else behind it – giving an added emphasis on your subject while paying lesser attention to all that’s going on around it. A mid-range lens with manual focusing (f/2.8 is ideal) will further accentuate this effect if used in combination with an artificial light source like flash or targeted reflectors which helps differentiate highlights around the object being photographed and gives more control over lighting situation.

This form of photography gives photographers control over their images by blurring or masking elements that take away from what should be the main focus – often resulting in imaginative scenarios with very pronounced subjects that have been isolated effectively without direct cropping!

Using Depth of Field to Tell a Story

Using a shallow depth of field to tell a story is an incredibly powerful visual tool that allows viewers to focus on specific parts of an image. By using this technique, photographers can draw attention to certain elements within the photograph, creating interesting and creative photographs that captivate viewers.

For example, a photographer may choose to use a shallow depth of field for a portrait shot in order to blur the background and have the person’s face remain in sharp focus. This technique allows the viewer’s eye to immediately be drawn to the person’s expression, which enhances the effect of emotion conveyed in the photograph. This can be especially effective when photographing people in action or those engaged with something (a task or activity).

Another example could be using shallow depth of field when photographing landscapes or cityscapes. By blurring elements in the background, photographers can emphasize details that are within their focus range and help create more dynamic compositions by leading viewers’ eye around within the frame. Photographers may also choose to use this technique when there are distracting elements behind their main subject. Blurring these away will make their subject stand out more effectively if it were shot with everything else in sharp focus.

Though using deep dof (large aperture) is more common for landscape photographers due to its ability to keep all foreground items and backgrounds clear and visible while combined with long exposures, having some knowledge on when and where it may come in handy is vital no matter what kind of photography you practice since it could become very useful one day as an extra tool that helps bring out your creativity even further!


Through understanding depth of field, you can control the results and take advantage of the creative opportunities that it offers. Depth of field affects how the main subject stands out from its surroundings, so it lets you decide what lenses you want and how to work with them. Being aware of depth of field also helps you adjust your settings and your shooting environment, so that you can capture the images that have to have in order to create a more impactful photographic piece.

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