What is the difference between a camera crane and a jib?

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Cranes and jibs are used as mechanical “arms”, allowing smoother transitions and movement of cameras while shooting a scene or capturing movement without disturbance.

Jibs are known for their ability to capture 360 ​​degrees while panning, tilting and working both vertically and horizontally for smoother.

The terms “crane” and “jib” are often used interchangeably as a crane is considered an “arm” while a jib is often referred to as a “crane” in the movie industry.

In professional settings and film studios, the main difference between the two is that jibs are often smaller than traditional camera cranes, allowing them to move more flexibly without disrupting the filming process or causing low-quality output.

While YouTubers often use sliders like these in my review and overhead rigs, a jib is much smoother and offers added flexibility not found in traditional overhead and slider platforms.


Jibs and cranes make it possible to take pictures at different heights without interruption with every movement. Using a jib crane is ideal if you want to dramatically improve the quality of your shots with the usual techniques used in professional movies.

Also read: these are the best camera cranes to buy right now

Hi, I'm Kim, a mom and a stop-motion enthusiast with a background in media creation and web development. I've got a huge passion for drawing and animation, and now I'm diving headfirst into the stop-motion world. With my blog, I'm sharing my learnings with you guys.