What is Legomation? Discover the Art of Object Animation with LEGO

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What is legomation? It’s the art of creating stop motion animations using lego bricks. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to let your imagination run wild. There’s a vibrant community of passionate brickfilmmakers who share their work online.

Legomation, also known as brickfilming, is a combination of Lego and animation. It’s a form of stop-motion animation using Lego bricks. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to let your imagination run wild. There’s a vibrant community of passionate brickfilmmakers who share their work online.

So, let’s look at how it got started and why it’s so popular.


Unleashing Creativity: The Art of Legomation

Lights, camera, action! Welcome to the fascinating world of Legomation, also known as brickfilming. If you’ve ever played with LEGO bricks as a child (or even as an adult, no judgment here), you’ll understand the joy of building and creating with these iconic plastic blocks. But what if I told you that you could bring your LEGO creations to life through the magic of animation? That’s where Legomation comes in.

Legomation, or brickfilming, is the art of creating stop-motion animation using LEGO bricks as the main characters and props. It’s a unique form of storytelling that combines the creativity of building with LEGO and the artistry of animation. With just a camera, some LEGO bricks, and a whole lot of patience, you can create your very own mini-movies, one frame at a time.


The Process: Bringing LEGO to Life

So, how does one go about creating a Legomation masterpiece? Let’s break it down:

1. Conceptualization: Just like any film, a brickfilm starts with an idea. Whether it’s a thrilling action sequence, a heartfelt drama, or a hilarious comedy, the possibilities are endless. Let your imagination run wild and come up with a story that will captivate your audience.

2. Set Design: Once you have your story, it’s time to bring it to life. Construct the sets using LEGO bricks, creating the perfect backdrop for your characters to inhabit. From sprawling cities to enchanted forests, the only limit is your creativity.

3. Character Creation: Every film needs its stars, and in Legomation, those stars are LEGO minifigures. Choose or customize your characters to fit the roles in your story. With a vast array of minifigure accessories and costumes available, you can truly bring your characters to life.

4. Animation: Now comes the fun part – animation! Using a stop-motion technique, you’ll take a series of photographs, moving the LEGO characters ever so slightly between each shot. This creates the illusion of movement when the frames are played back in rapid succession. It’s a painstaking process that requires precision and patience, but the end result is truly magical.

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5. Sound and Effects: To enhance your brickfilm, add sound effects, dialogue, and music. You can record voiceovers, create sound effects using everyday objects, or even compose your own musical score. This step adds another layer of immersion to your creation.

6. Editing and Post-Production: Once you have all your footage, it’s time to edit it together using video editing software. Trim the clips, add transitions, and fine-tune the visuals and audio until you’re satisfied with the final product. This is where your film truly comes to life.

A Community of Brickfilmmakers

Legomation isn’t just a solitary pursuit; it’s a vibrant community of passionate brickfilmmakers. These enthusiasts come together to share their creations, exchange tips and tricks, and inspire one another. Online platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo have become hubs for showcasing and discovering brickfilms from all around the world.

Brickfilming festivals and competitions also provide opportunities for brickfilmmakers to showcase their work on the big screen. These events bring together talented animators, allowing them to network, learn from each other, and celebrate their shared love for Legomation.

So, whether you’re a seasoned brickfilmmaker or just starting out, the world of Legomation is waiting for you to unleash your creativity. Grab your LEGO bricks, set up your camera, and let the magic begin! Lights, camera, Legomation!

The Fascinating History of Legomation

Legomation, also known as brickfilming, has a rich history that dates back several decades. The story begins in the late 1980s when a group of creative individuals started experimenting with stop motion animation using LEGO bricks. This unique form of animation quickly gained popularity, captivating audiences with its charming and imaginative storytelling.

The Rise of Brickfilms

As the legomation community grew, more and more brickfilms were produced, each pushing the boundaries of what was possible with LEGO animation. Drawing inspiration from popular series like “Super 8” and “The Western,” these early legomation features captured the imagination of viewers worldwide.

Legomation Goes Digital

With the advent of digital technology, legomation saw a significant shift in production techniques. Filmmakers could now create their films using specialized software, which allowed for more precise control and increased visual effects. This digital revolution opened up new possibilities for legomation artists, enabling them to create high-quality films with greater ease.

Legomation in the Media

Legomation’s popularity reached new heights when it started to appear in mainstream media. The release of official LEGO films, such as “The LEGO Movie,” showcased the immense potential of legomation as a storytelling medium. These films not only entertained audiences but also helped to popularize legomation as a legitimate art form.

Legomation Today

Today, legomation continues to thrive, with a vibrant community of creators producing incredible brickfilms. The accessibility of technology and the availability of resources have made it easier than ever for aspiring filmmakers to delve into the world of legomation. From independent projects to promotional advertisements, legomation can be seen in various forms of media, captivating audiences of all ages.

So, whether you’re a fan of LEGO or simply appreciate the magic of stop motion animation, legomation offers a unique and captivating experience that continues to evolve and inspire.

The Art of Bringing LEGO to Life: Mastering the Technique of Legomation

Lights, camera, LEGO! The technique of legomation, also known as brickfilming, is the art of creating stop-motion animated films using LEGO bricks and minifigures. It’s a captivating form of storytelling that brings these beloved toys to life in a whole new way. But how exactly do animators achieve such magic? Let’s dive into the world of legomation technique and uncover the secrets behind its enchanting allure.

Frames, Digital Software, and Feature Films

At the heart of legomation lies the concept of frames. Each frame represents a single image or snapshot in the animation sequence. Animators meticulously move the LEGO minifigures and bricks in small increments between frames to create the illusion of movement when played back at high speed. It’s a labor-intensive process that requires patience, precision, and a keen eye for detail.

To bring their brickfilms to life, animators often rely on digital software. Programs like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro serve as powerful tools for editing and compositing the individual frames together. These software packages allow animators to adjust frame rates, compile audio tracks, and add visual effects, enhancing the overall quality of the final film.

Mastering the Minifigure Walk Cycle

One of the most fundamental techniques in legomation is mastering the minifigure walk cycle. Animators carefully manipulate the minifigure’s limbs and body to create a seamless walking motion. This involves moving the legs, arms, and torso in a synchronized manner, ensuring that each frame captures the fluidity of the movement. It’s a delicate dance between creativity and precision.

The Art of Frame Rates and Film Editing

Frame rates play a crucial role in legomation. Different animators may choose to work with various frame rates, ranging from the standard 24 frames per second (fps) to higher or lower rates depending on their artistic vision. The choice of frame rate can significantly impact the overall look and feel of the animation, whether it’s a fast-paced action sequence or a slow, contemplative scene.

Film editing in legomation involves piecing together the individual frames to create a cohesive narrative. Animators carefully sequence the frames, ensuring smooth transitions and maintaining the illusion of movement. This process requires meticulous attention to detail and a keen sense of storytelling.

Emulating Bricks in a Digital World

In recent years, legomation has evolved beyond the realm of physical LEGO bricks. With the rise of computer-generated imagery (CGI), animators can now create brickfilms that are entirely styled to emulate the look and feel of LEGO bricks. This blending of digital and physical worlds opens up new possibilities for creativity and storytelling.

Joining Forces: Collaborative Brickfilming

The legomation community is a vibrant and supportive one, with brickfilmers coming together to share their knowledge, techniques, and creations. Collaborative projects allow animators to pool their skills and resources, resulting in larger-scale productions that push the boundaries of what can be achieved with LEGO animation.

From recreating iconic scenes from existing franchises like Star Wars to crafting original stories, legomation has become a powerful medium for self-expression and creativity. It’s a testament to the enduring appeal of LEGO and the boundless imagination of its enthusiasts.

So, the next time you watch a legomation film, take a moment to appreciate the technique and skill that goes into bringing those tiny plastic bricks to life. It’s a labor of love that continues to captivate audiences of all ages, reminding us that with a little imagination, anything is possible.

Unleashing Creativity: The Art of Object Animation

Object animation, also known as stop-motion animation, is a captivating technique that brings inanimate objects to life through a series of meticulously crafted movements. It is a form of animation where physical objects are manipulated and photographed one frame at a time to create the illusion of motion. From everyday objects like toys and household items to clay figures and even food, anything can become a star in the world of object animation.

The Magic Behind Object Animation

Object animation is a labor of love that requires patience, precision, and a dash of creativity. Here’s a glimpse into the fascinating process behind this art form:

1. Conceptualization: Every great animation starts with a brilliant idea. Whether it’s a whimsical story or a clever visual gag, the animator must envision how the objects will interact and bring their narrative to life.

2. Set Design: Creating a captivating backdrop is crucial in object animation. From building miniature sets to designing intricate props, attention to detail is key. The set becomes the stage where the objects will perform their animated dance.

3. Frame by Frame: Object animation is a slow and meticulous process. Each movement is carefully planned and executed, with the animator adjusting the position of the objects ever so slightly between each frame. It’s a dance of patience and precision, capturing the essence of movement one frame at a time.

4. Lighting and Photography: Proper lighting is essential to set the mood and highlight the objects’ features. The animator must master the art of lighting to create the desired atmosphere and ensure consistency throughout the animation. Each frame is captured using a camera, and the resulting images are compiled to form the final animation.

5. Sound and Effects: Adding sound effects and music enhances the overall experience of object animation. Whether it’s the clinking of objects, the rustling of paper, or a carefully selected soundtrack, audio elements bring depth and emotion to the animation.

Object Animation in Popular Culture

Object animation has made its mark in the world of entertainment, captivating audiences of all ages. Here are a few notable examples:

  • “Wallace and Gromit”: The beloved British duo, Wallace and Gromit, have charmed audiences with their claymation adventures. Created by Nick Park, these endearing characters have become iconic figures in the world of object animation.
  • “The LEGO Movie”: This animated blockbuster brought the world of LEGO to life, showcasing the endless possibilities of brick-based object animation. The film’s success paved the way for a franchise that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.
  • “Fantastic Mr. Fox”: Directed by Wes Anderson, this stop-motion animated film brought Roald Dahl’s beloved characters to life in a visually stunning and whimsical way. The meticulous attention to detail in the object animation added depth and charm to the storytelling.

Object animation is a captivating art form that allows creators to breathe life into everyday objects. With patience, creativity, and a touch of magic, animators can transport audiences to extraordinary worlds where the ordinary becomes extraordinary. So, grab your favorite objects, unleash your imagination, and let the magic of object animation unfold before your eyes.

Building Block Bonanzas: Franchises in the World of Legomation

When it comes to legomation, the possibilities are endless. Filmmakers have taken their love for popular franchises and brought them to life using the beloved plastic bricks. Here are some of the most notable franchises that have been immortalized in legomation:

Star Wars:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, legomation enthusiasts embarked on epic adventures with Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and the rest of the iconic Star Wars characters. From recreating lightsaber battles to building intricate spacecraft, the Star Wars franchise has provided endless inspiration for legomation filmmakers.

Harry Potter:
Grab your wand and hop on your broomstick because the magical world of Harry Potter has also found its way into the realm of legomation. Fans have meticulously crafted Hogwarts Castle, reenacted thrilling Quidditch matches, and even animated the Triwizard Tournament using their trusty Lego bricks.

Marvel Superheroes:
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has captivated audiences worldwide, and legomation enthusiasts have eagerly joined the action. From the Avengers assembling to Spider-Man swinging through the streets of New York City, these brick-built superheroes have leaped off the comic book pages and onto the screen.

DC Comics:
Not to be outdone, the DC Comics universe has also made its mark in the world of legomation. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and other iconic characters have been reimagined in brick form, battling against the likes of the Joker and Lex Luthor. The Lego Batman Movie even gave the Caped Crusader his own hilarious and action-packed adventure.

Bringing Franchises to Life: The Legomation Experience

Creating legomation films based on popular franchises is not just about recreating scenes from the movies. It’s an opportunity for filmmakers to put their own unique spin on these beloved stories. Here’s a glimpse into the legomation experience:

Filmmakers start by crafting a compelling story that fits within the franchise’s universe. Whether it’s an original tale or a clever parody, the script sets the foundation for the entire legomation project.

Set Design:
Building the perfect set is crucial to capturing the essence of the franchise. From meticulously recreating iconic locations to constructing custom environments, legomation filmmakers showcase their creativity and attention to detail in every brick.

Character Animation:
Bringing Lego minifigures to life requires patience and precision. Filmmakers carefully pose and move each character frame by frame, capturing their unique personalities and actions. It’s a labor of love that requires dedication and a keen eye for detail.

Special Effects:
Just like in big-budget Hollywood films, legomation productions often incorporate special effects to enhance the storytelling. From explosions to laser blasts, filmmakers use various techniques to add that extra touch of excitement to their creations.

Legomation Fan Films: A Creative Outlet

Franchises in legomation not only provide endless entertainment for viewers but also serve as a creative outlet for passionate fans. Here’s why legomation fan films have become a beloved part of the community:

Expressing Creativity:
Legomation allows fans to express their creativity and storytelling skills in a unique way. By combining their love for a franchise with their passion for filmmaking, they can create something truly special.

Building Communities:
Legomation fan films have brought together a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Through online platforms and festivals, filmmakers can share their work, collaborate, and inspire others to embark on their own legomation adventures.

Pushing Boundaries:
Franchise-based legomation films often push the boundaries of what’s possible with Lego bricks. Filmmakers constantly innovate, finding new techniques and technologies to elevate their productions and create awe-inspiring visuals.

So, whether you’re a Star Wars aficionado, a Harry Potter fanatic, or a superhero enthusiast, the world of legomation has something for everyone. These franchises have found a new home in the hands of talented legomation filmmakers, who continue to amaze us with their creativity and dedication. Lights, camera, Lego!

Brickfilming Communities and Festivals: Where Creativity Meets Celebration

Being a brickfilmer is not just about creating captivating legomation films; it’s also about being part of a vibrant and supportive community. Brickfilming communities bring together enthusiasts from all walks of life, united by their love for the art form. Here’s a glimpse into the world of brickfilming communities and the exciting festivals they organize:

  • Online Forums and Social Media: The digital age has made it easier than ever to connect with fellow brickfilmers. Online forums and social media groups dedicated to legomation provide platforms for sharing ideas, seeking advice, and showcasing your work. Whether you’re a beginner seeking guidance or a seasoned pro looking to collaborate, these online communities offer a wealth of knowledge and camaraderie.
  • Local Brickfilming Clubs: In many cities around the world, brickfilming clubs have sprung up, offering a space for enthusiasts to meet in person. These clubs often organize regular meetups, workshops, and screenings, fostering a sense of community and providing opportunities for learning and collaboration. Joining a local club can be a fantastic way to network with like-minded individuals and take your brickfilming skills to new heights.

Festivals: Celebrating the Art of Legomation

Brickfilming festivals are the ultimate celebration of the art form, bringing together creators, fans, and industry professionals from all corners of the globe. These events offer a unique opportunity to showcase your work, learn from experts, and immerse yourself in the world of legomation. Here are some notable brickfilming festivals you should keep an eye out for:

  • Bricks in Motion: Bricks in Motion is an annual brickfilming festival that showcases the best films from the community. With categories ranging from comedy to drama, this festival celebrates the diversity and creativity of brickfilming. Attending Bricks in Motion can be an inspiring experience, as you get to see the incredible talent and innovation within the community.
  • BrickFest: BrickFest is not solely dedicated to brickfilming, but it’s a must-visit event for any LEGO enthusiast. This convention brings together builders, collectors, and brickfilmers alike, offering a wide range of activities, workshops, and screenings. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow brickfilmers and immerse yourself in the broader LEGO community.
  • International LEGO Day: This global event celebrates the iconic LEGO brick and all the creative possibilities it offers. Brickfilming often takes center stage during International LEGO Day, with screenings of top-notch legomation films and workshops led by experienced brickfilmers. It’s a day to revel in the artistry of legomation and connect with fellow enthusiasts worldwide.

Why Joining a Brickfilming Community and Attending Festivals Matters

Being part of a brickfilming community and attending festivals goes beyond the joy of creating legomation films. Here’s why it matters:

  • Inspiration and Learning: Interacting with fellow brickfilmers exposes you to a wide range of styles, techniques, and ideas. It’s a constant source of inspiration that pushes you to experiment and grow as a filmmaker. Workshops and expert-led sessions at festivals provide invaluable learning opportunities, allowing you to refine your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the legomation world.
  • Collaboration and Networking: Brickfilming communities and festivals are hotbeds of collaboration. By connecting with other creators, you can pool your talents and resources to create even more ambitious projects. Networking with industry professionals at festivals can open doors to exciting opportunities and help you establish yourself as a serious brickfilmer.
  • Recognition and Feedback: Sharing your work within the community and at festivals allows you to receive feedback from fellow enthusiasts and experts. Positive feedback can boost your confidence, while constructive criticism helps you refine your craft. Festivals often have awards and recognition programs, giving you a chance to showcase your talent on a larger stage.

So, whether you’re just starting your brickfilming journey or have been at it for years, joining a brickfilming community and attending festivals is a fantastic way to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from the best, and celebrate the art of legomation.


So, legomation is a form of stop-motion animation using Lego bricks. It’s a great way to unleash your creativity and bring your imagination to life. You can start with a conceptualization, and then move on to set design, character creation, animation, sound effects, and editing. And don’t forget to have fun! So go ahead and give it a try!

Hi, I'm Kim, a mom and a stop-motion enthusiast with a background in media creation and web development. I've got a huge passion for drawing and animation, and now I'm diving headfirst into the stop-motion world. With my blog, I'm sharing my learnings with you guys.